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Wood Type: Hackberry

Wand Core: Veela-Hair



This hackberry wand measures 14 1/2 inches and has been finished with shellac.


White walnut is a smooth, light-weight, yet strong wood. Highly intelligent witches and wizards ought to be offered a walnut wand for trial first, because in nine cases out of ten, the two will find in each other their ideal mate. Walnut is a serious wood, often found in the hands of magical innovators and inventors; this is a handsome wood possessed of unusual versatility and adaptability. A note of caution, however: while some woods are difficult to dominate, and may resist the performance of spells that are foreign to their natures, the walnut wand will, once subjugated, perform any task its owner desires, provided that the user is of sufficient brilliance. This makes for a truly lethal weapon in the hands of a witch or wizard of no conscience, for the wand and the wizard may feed from each other in a particularly unhealthy manner. Walnut wands are, in my opinion, among the most handsome.



Veela Hair would make for a changeable core, which some may call temperamental, especially if they have little cause to work with the core, or with Veela. Like Veela themselves their hair makes for a potentially volatile core, able to change it’s tune at a moments notice. As a result wands cored with Veela hair are usually found in the hands of those with some (usually recent) Veela ancestry, with the hair donated by a full-Veela relative, in order to be made into a wand. Hairs not donated, but taken, have a tendency of angering the Veela in question, thus, despite the poor view frequently taken of Veela, all legally made wands with Veela cores must have had the hair donated freely.

Power-wise Veela hair is a relatively powerful core, midway between the strength of the oft-used Unicorn hair, and the much prized Phoenix feather, due to the human size of Veela, and their powerful personal magic. Wands cored with Veela hair may tend toward Transfiguration, much as Veela themselves do, with their shape-altering abilities, but this does depend on the wood and the wands owner.

14.5 Inch Hackberry Magic Wand

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